Happy Birthday, Rob!

My life with Edward Cullen continues to be more and more exciting each day. We know that Edward can be quite jealous although his pride will not allow him to admit it. I was quite busy reviewing the various birthday greetings lovingly addressed to Robert Pattinson all over the internet. He is celebrating his 23rd birthday today. Well, you all know that Edward thinks he’s an impostor. I, on the other hand, thinks he’s a talent to watch out for.

As I was going through the various birthday greetings including the ones in Twilight Lexicon, Pattinson Online and Letters to Rob, I felt left out. I decided to make one of my own even if there’s a very slim chance that Robert Pattinson will ever see it.

My Robert Pattinson Birthday Greeting

My Robert Pattinson Birthday Greeting

Funny thing. After I completed my greeting, I heard Edward stomp around the room obviously annoyed. When I turned, I saw him looking at his reflection in a nearby mirror.

Edward talks to himself.

Edward talks to himself.

“Will he look this good when he’s 107 years old?” Edward hissed to himself.

I had to stifle a laugh. Who would’ve thought vampires would be so jealous of 23-year-old heartthrobs?


  1. thanks for linking to us!

  2. What is the relevance of that birdcage beside Rob? Hahahhahahaha!

    • I think Rob is laughing because of the silliness of having to pose beside an empty birdcage. 🙂

  3. Hope you had a happy Rob day 🙂

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